Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just a Loser

I have a confession. I have a problem. And I can't stop...

...everytime I watch the Biggest Loser...I end up eating cookies.

I know, I know, it doesn't make any sense. Wouldn't a normal person refrain from eating cookies while watching a weight loss show? For one, wouldn't I see that those people probably made it to their obese state by making similarly poor choices like consuming large amounts of cookies? Or secondly, wouldn't I be so personally inspired by their pursuit of healthy eating and exercise, that I would I only crave carrot sticks? You would think, but no.

Instead, my mind works like this...

"Oh, look, geez they are working out really hard aren't they? Oh man, that looks know what, I bet right about now they'd really love a cookie....hey, you know what...I really want a cookie....I think I'm going to get a cookie." [Paige gets up and retrieves cookies] [Paige consumes said cookies]

mmm cookies of shame

1 comment:

  1. I have the EXACT same problem. I seriously eat some sort of fattening indulgence every time I watch that show.
